The person who i admire, is not a veterinarian, but he is related to the animal world, his name, César Millán, maybe you know him as the Dog Whisperer. César was born in August 27-1969 on Culiacán Sinaloa, México and his passion over the animals started because he loved to go to his grandpa farm, where there were a lot of dogs. There he saw a lot of things about the behavior of the dogs, like the natural reaction on the precense of outsider dogs, how to help his grandpa to rally the cows and how became the "pack leader" and keep the order on the pack.
He grew up and in the 90's he opened the Center Of Canine Psichology. The occupation of César is the rehabilitation of dogs, that have some behavior trouble like be violence, intense fear or being overprotective. The motto of cesar is "I rehabilititate dogs, and train people", this means that the owners might also be trained, so that the problems of the past wont ever happen again, and that the rehabilitation can be effective.
I admire César a lot, because he really knows what he is talking about, and he can make an hateful and dangerous dog, became a nice, obedient and submissive to its owners, without any agression, only his energy and technics.

So, that's it, i hope you enjoy it and if you want to see more about César, or if you have trouble with your dog, you can visit his site on this link:


  1. Miss says:

    The person who i admire, is not a veterinarian, but he is related to the animal world, his name, César Millán, maybe you know him as the Dog Whisperer. César was born in August 27-1969 on Culiacán Sinaloa, México and his passion over the animals started because he loved to go to his grandpa farm, where there were a lot of dogs. There he saw a lot of things about the behavior of the dogs, like the natural reaction on the precense of outsider dogs, how to help his grandpa to rally the cows and how became the "pack leader" and keep the order on the pack.
    He grew up and in the 90's he opened the Center Of Canine SP Psichology. The occupation of César is the rehabilitation of dogs, that ^ have some behavior trouble like be violence, intense fear or being overprotective. The motto of cesar is "I rehabilititate dogs, and train people", this means that the owners might also be trained, so that the problems of the past wont ever happen again, and that the rehabilitation can be effective.
    I admire César a lot, because he really knows what he is talking about, and he can make an hateful and dangerous dog, became a nice, obedient and submissive to its owners, without any agression, only his energy and technics.

    So, that's it, i hope you enjoy it and if you want to see more about César, or if you have trouble with your dog, you can visit his site on this link:

    ver good! in beginners we checked something from him...


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