hello there! well, as the title says zoology it's my favourite subject, why? Because it's AWESOME!, i mean, in this subject you learn a bit about all the animal species and go deep in each phylum, so thath way you have a lot of animals, categorized and organized by one simply method, catalog the animal species related in groups and then make this filtrer more .
This subject has two parts, one on the classroom where we learn about animals via books or power point presentations, and we also have the labs, where we interact with the species learned in the classroom, small animals like plathelmynts and also bigger animals like sharks, i mean small sharks bodies, they are already dead.
I think the main reason because i love this subject is the interaction with the knowledge and the reality, and this is a really good experience for everyone who want to learn more about animals, like we, the veterinarians.


  1. Anonymous says:

    hello there! well, as the title says zoology it's my favourite subject, why? Because it's AWESOME!, i mean, in this subject you learn a bit about all the animal species and go deep in each phylum, so thath way you have a lot of animals, categorized and organized by one simply method, catalog the animal species related in groups and then make this filtrer more .
    This subject has two parts, one on the classroom where we learn about animals via books or power point presentations, and we also have the labs, where we interact with the species learned in the classroom, small animals like plathelmynts and also bigger animals like sharks, i mean small sharks bodies, they are already dead.
    I think the main reason because i love this subject is the interaction with the knowledge and the reality, and this is a really good experience for everyone who want to learn more about animals, like we, the veterinarians.

    well done! I'm glad you like it so much
    Nothing to mark


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